July 11, 2013

How to start a Small Business with no Money and Bad Credit?

Check this vid out... At first I thought it was a little sketchy....but after listening to it...it was pretty ok. My mom had mentioned to me previously about some of the info this guy was talking about. So check it out and learn something.

July 10, 2013

Cell Phone Fashion: Tank Tops

So yeah its Summer Time in my City.....lol. And since its so hot outside I decided to buy two tank tops that to match my Reebok Snapback. I bought this Black, teal, and yellow Beverly Hills tank top from KarmaLoop.com. This is one of my favorite online stores and  they really have affordable prices. And you can GET 20% OFF if you use my KarmaLoop Code: ReidTToldya. So remember to be light and and check out KarmaLoop to get your summer right.


Changes are always happening
Sometimes I want time to stop
To feel the joy of good memories
And never pain in the heart

Changes are good things when
when you think of blessings and success
Changes are bad things
When you see family less and less

Changes are evident there are like the seasons
All will come in time and in due reason


-Reid Tee

July 06, 2013

Cell Phone Fashion: Sunny Saturday

 This is another installment of Cell Phone Fashion. Well today my brother and I decided to do some shopping this afternoon for his birthday and for me to just blow off steam. And after find stuff and putting it back for 3 hrs...(we are fly on a budget lol), I finally came across this shirt along with a couple other things that I knew I had to get apart of my collection. Also like with anything else I decided to show you guys my unique sense of  fashion and let you be the judge. I'm going so start from head with what I'm rocking this Summer. Floral is in in 2013 you guys and if you don't have anything in your closet that isn't you need to find something asap. It's just something about floral look that says I'm ready for good weather. I hope you keep looking for more of my fashion and tips. And feel free to tell me about the latest fashions that are in your area so I can be influenced.
Black Wayfarer Sunglasses by 80's Purple. Floral Shirt by Daniel Cremiux.

Pocket watch and Camoflauge bandana to accent the floral shirt. Also Jeans are Polo by Ralph Lauren. 
Sneakers by Converse Chuck Taylor.

July 05, 2013

Substantial performs at the Smithsonian

I just found it... this comes from a guy named Substantial.The rapping is ok (it was only a glimpse) but the fact he performed in the Smithsonian was just amazing to me. And besides the rapping the speech he made about his teacher is sure to inspire anyone who had said something that is not in your character.

Farrah Gray - How To Truly Become Rich

Check out Dr. Farrah Gray speaking wisdom.....