April 30, 2013

So I'm back to being broke.....

So I crashed my pops car the other night.... yeah tragic...good news is thank God I'm alive.. bad news is the car is damn near totaled. So ya boy is back to being BROKE! That means no stuff for a while. I guess I will give you results pics of me working out or something else because my adventures are done for a while. But being broke does have its advantages because now I can think of new ways to make money and bring it to you people. You guys check out the site ValleyCrewtheInfluence.blogspot.com its coming along but I really need you guys help. Tell your friends and everybody!! Also my clothes are coming soon so be ready for that too....I'm understanding patience but I know where I'm going to be.

April 16, 2013

Workin Out

Yeah so if you know me I'm ALWAYS talking about losing weight n stuff...but  every time I stop afterabout  3 weeks when I'm just starting to see results..lol...yeah that sucks...but I don't know what workout I needed to find that would keep my interest to keep going. I been chubby most my life and the only time I really was small I can think of was after I PLEDGED my fraternity. But yeah back to the point, I think I finally found something that will work! Just check the video above. All my frat brothers and friends have a pull up bar in there door. Some work on it.. some do it for fun...some don't do it at all (I hope not me. lol). But I think I have finally came across something that works for me. I don't like to go to the gym and do weights anymore especially since I'm chubby, and I also just wanted to work out with my body weight because I've heard its better for you. I've done weight in high school and it was ok. But as you can see with this guy this isn't for wimps. I'm literally starting from the bottom so we will see how it goes.. until then peace

April 09, 2013

Scent of the Day : Burberry Weekend for Men

Yesterday I went a lil shopping to pick up some things before I went to my college's probate event. If you don't know what a probate is I advise you to look it up. Anyway, I was shopping and I've always wanted some type of Burberry Cologne, I've never even smelled one its just one of those things for me you know always wanted but I guess never could get. Well I was at the store when I came across two types of Burberry. I found the Burberry Sport and this one Burberry Weekend for Men. Although I wasn't of fan of it at first, it started to grow one me. You can check out the review below to see what I'm talking about. But yeah check it out this is just one scent. there is more to come. I also plan on buying more Burberry's because I know there is one I probably find  that I will love out of their collection.

April 08, 2013

Keeping Hope

Sometimes I think of what I could be and what I want to achieve in life. I'm not there yet, but I remember some things to keep me inspired. Things like what my pops told me when times got tough or times when my mom stayed on my ass to make sure I would get something done. We are all trying to reach success but maybe we feel like were stuck in one place or like every time we take a step forward we take ten steps back. Some of think is what we doing to make it in vain. I know I do especially with this internet/ clothes stuff. But the thing to success to keep hope, have faith, and most of all work hard to get to where you want to get. I don't know everything but if you can't believe in your dream then who can believe in you?

April 04, 2013

Starting from the Bottom

Hey whats good, this is my life blog. Right now I'm currently working in the Hospitality business , but don't worry since I picked up a job I'll have more to talk about. Right now life is life and I'm just trying to find my way. I'm trying to do a list of stuff but we will see how it goes. My focus is on my job now but my dream is my clothes and helping my friends get to where they want to be in life. I'm a net worker so you can say. Although I still get nervous around new people, I'm learning to deal with it to get to what I want to achieve. Keep checking on here. this is gonna be my advice, style, and thoughts column. Get to know me. You might find out you like me, you might found out you don't, you might find out I'm funny, I just appreciate it all. Looking forward.

Reid Tee