September 28, 2019

Ananda Crystal Water Bottle - Elixir Gem Infused Review!!!

Well if you haven't heard of the crystal water bottle where I'm here to tell you. Crystals have long been associated with alternative healing. Many have said the crystals that your are drawn to are usually the things you need in your life. Many people love Rose Quartz due to its belief that it represents love and compassion. Well now you can drink the essence of the crystal in your water.
Although this may seem odd, in to a point many crystals have essential minerals that are goodfor your body. There are many crystals water bottles, but I really liked this Ananda Crystal Watter Bottle.
One its still very attractive in the look but not as expensive as what I have seen with others. So why not give this bottle a chance? In my opinion you get the minerals from the crystals and its a cool talking piece in the office or around your friends/ If you want one. You can get here NOW!


September 25, 2019


In this video Odi from Odi Productions explains why 99% of affiliate markets fail. He has alot
of good information that I think is really valuable when it comes to affiliate marketing. Check him
out if you are interested, You definitely wont be disappointed. Check it out. Whawt you think?


Best Way to Handle Aggressive People In Life!

                                  Image result for aggressive people  

Every day when we walk outside we find our ways dealing with people. Most are in kind or pretty much for the most part are easy to deal with. But what about an aggressive co-worker or roommate. These people can makes uncomfortable to the point of getting away form them. Here are some tips that should help.

The best way to handle an aggressive person is to always keep your calm. 9 times out of 10 there is a deeper root to why this person is aggressive. Let them get out whatever aggressiveness they have if it doesn't cause affect you, your emotions, or any situation you may be involved in. But also be sure to stand your ground in a calm manner. If they continue to be aggressive conversations should consist of yes and no questions, with very little thought. If this doesn’t work its time to move on and possibly have authorities involved.

I hope this helps. I found this information reading  THIS BOOK and I know it can help you out. Be sure to check it out.

Much Patience,

Reid Tee

September 24, 2019


How you guys doing? Well on my affiliate marketing discovery I found CLICKBANK. Like every other beginner. I got so interested and just started posting links without realizing a gameplan of what to do really. So after 5 years of really looking at this, I figured it out. YOU need a mentor. And why not learn how to sell clickbank products from CLICKBANK. CB University helped me alot and really help me see what I was doing wrong. If it helped me, I know it can help you. So here's the link!
I became a better affiliate after that and I know you will too. So here is the link HERE and below. Check it out.

                   <<<<<<<<< WANT TO GO TO CLICK BANK UNIVERSITY   >>>>>>>

September 21, 2019

Manifesting YOUR DREAMS and making them a Reality!

Manifesting is the key to SUCCESS

Hey Guys,

This topic is about MANIFESTING. If you have a come to this page, you have been reading on manifesting but really havn't quite figured it out. Well I'm here to tell you that Manifesting is the hardest simple thing you will ever have to do. Believe it or not you are already manifesting ideas and what is going to happen in your life right now. By definition manifesting is to "display or show by one's acts or appearance."  When you are getting sick, you begin to sneeze, cough, or have a runny nose. This is a "manifestion" of a cold. With that being said, I am going to attempt to layout the things you need  to manifest the positive things in your life. FIRST YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR MINDSET. When you begin to think better and what you want in life certain IDEAS come to your mind that will help encourage a lifestyle change. SECOND WHEN MANIFESTING you have to WORK. Write down your ideas and thoughts. See if it make sense. If it does put a plan to together. This is how MANIFESTING TRULY WORKS.  THIRD TAKE ACTION. You will never know if your plan works if you don't take action. When you take action you can get a better viewpoint of what you need to do. You MAY FAIL. BUT TRY AGAIN. Manifesting is not that simple like I said earlier. It will take work and tweaks to make your idea better. AND LAST BE PATIENT. These things Take TIME. But when youre always positive, working  towards your goal, and altering things to make your idea the BEST POSSIBLE, then its only a matter of TIME.


Reid Tee


September 20, 2019


I know you've seen ClickBank and prolly wonder how it works. Well in a nutshell many people sell different courses and products and let you market them. I have myself had many troubles trying to affiliate market until I learned one thing. FIND A MENTOR. Once I found a mentor I found out that ClickBank has an AFFILIATE Program themselves that has helped me become a even better marketer. I also think John Crestani Program is good too. Check it out.

September 18, 2019


             John Crestani is an affiliate marketer who knows what its like to come from the
bottom. He went from being homeless to being a millionaire by affiliate marketing and other 
online business. He currently has as course that is made for the beginner marketer. If you buy his system he gives you details on how you can be a successful marketer as well. Check out his video and if you like that GET THE COURSE NOW!


Hey you guys. I dropped my first video about being successful. I decided to drop this video because I've notice that people around me seem to be stuck in the same place and basically going around in circles with life. So I dropped a couple tips that should start you well on your journey. I hope this helps. If you need to reach me or want to donate follow below.

To Donate: CashApp to $ValleyCrew
My Brand Page:
Hip hop Blog: 

September 14, 2019

Hey Guys I'm back! Staying Consistent and Getting Focused on Being Successful Online!

Hey Guys,

     I haven't posted in 3 years and man that is too long! Over the years I have tried many methods to find this "freedom" by making money online. Sad to say, although I have learned a lot of things over these past 3 years its been tough. I finally found out some of the things that I've been doing wrong. One is Consistency! Guys if you are trying to be successful online you have to laser focus. When you feel like giving up that's when  you know should change route but go even deeper. As you know I have the The Influence music page but honestly it  wasn't making me any money. This was my second issue. Guys you need to know how to monetize. With a music blog, you make very little money until you blow up. AdSense will not get you a fulltime income. You have to find ways for your blog to make money. After 3 years I have finally found what I need to do go make The Influence along with this blog profitable. If you want to learn than keep following this BLOG. The Influence is entertain and inspire you while this  site will be a more behind the scenes review of EVERYTHING I DO. Hopefully you will find your niche and make some sale based on the advice I give you. Well this is just the start you guys! Hope to hear from you.


Reid Tee